
  • Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year is $13,400. It’s paid in 10 monthly installments (September - June). Tuition includes aftercare until 5:00.

  • There are no additional fees, and we never ask parents to do fundraising.

  • We offer a 30% sibling discount.

  • Unlike most private schools, parents don’t enter a year-long contract.


Students and Staff

  • Activate School accommodates 18 students, grades 3rd-5th.

  • There are three teachers, one full-time and two part-time.

Drop Off and Pick Up

  • The school day starts at 8:30.

  • The school day ends at 2:30.

  • Aftercare runs until 5:00. There is no additional charge for aftercare.

Lunch and Recess 

  • Children bring their lunches and snacks.

  • After lunch, we walk to Johnson Creek Park for recess.